I have been studying and intensely learning about the Enneagram since 2005. It is an ancient and deeply profound dive into the depths of our spiritual and human being-ness; an exploration into our soul qualities and essence, the roots of which have been lost in time.

What you can expect from an Enneagram session with me is the opportunity to see yourself more fully and from a wider and deeper perspective. To notice how you can sometimes unconsciously move into protective behaviours that don’t always serve you well. In other words you can live in the freedom of consciousness and choice. Your life becomes a vessel that you create with awareness and with the ability to expand in any way you choose,

In addition you will learn more about how others unconsciously strategise and behave. As your understanding evolves it leads to an arising of the compassionate heart. We see that our family and friends are doing the best they can and misunderstandings are more easily forgiven as we become aware of their inner essence, gifts and challenges. We notice our capacity to live in truth and love and are able to navigate the hurdles, challenges and bumps more fluidly.

The Enneagram symbol upon which the teachings are gathered, is said to reach back to the time of the Pythagorus. A number of teachers brought back these systems of inner work and knowledge, namely George Gurdjieff a Greco-Armenian mystic 1866-1949 and in the 1960’s Bolivian born Oscar Ichazo.

The Enneagram drops us into a way of perceiving how we live our lives and behave with clear patterns and strategies, that are nevertheless, mostly unconscious and the ways in which Essence and personality intertwine and distort or contract into states of ego.

I became a Journey Practitioner in 2006 and this involved learning in depth about the enneagram.
The process took several years and I travelled the globe from Australia, to the UK and Europe. 

I lived and worked as an International School teacher in Malaysia but in my spare time I also saw clients at a small spiritual centre called, ‘Lightworks’ in Kuala Lumpur. They came for intuitive and psychic guidance, meditation and journeywork, ranging in age from 4 - 60 years.

Several years later, I met my present teacher Gangaji and with her partner, Eli Jaxson-Bear delved deeper into understanding and learning other enneagram perspectives. 

It has been an ongoing passion which is ever deepening and I have discovered much about my own tendencies
and behaviours as well as understanding from a much more informed place, that of others.

I now am offering this experience
and service in two ways: 


General teaching about the enneagram as a tool for self discovery.


One on one personal sessions where I guide you to uncover some unconscious patterns that have recurred throughout your life and which are now ready to be seen and released from.


Please contact me at jan.elgar@gmail.com 
to decide and specify which you would prefer to focus on. 

All of the sessions take place on ZOOM and are one hour long.